handed in the assignment for Writer and Reader today. I have to say I am glad that I have no longer got that milstone round my neck, it has been for me, a royal pain in the ass. My brain just does not function in the way it needs to to do this lesson, I don't look at an image and see the hidden meaning there, not unless prompted anyway. Not to say I don't enjoy the lesson, I do.
If this scrapes a pass I'll be happy, if it fails I'll resit. I'm definatly going to start the next assignments over Christmas so I have plenty of time.
Changing the subject completely, if by chance, and its such a slim chance that you are reading I can't believe I am bothering. The next time a certain group of Chavs decide they want to stalk towards my future wife while she is waiting for me outside the shop with my son, and then has the bottle to come poke his scrawny neck around the corner to see if she's still alone, be warned, you might find me staring right back at you.
People like this, are the exact reason why I left Grimsby, because of the lawlessness that has gone unchecked for too long, they think they own the streets. I grew up on the streets where this encounter occured, now I don't feel secure. I'm not saying that Grimsby is rotten to the core, there are still some good people left, most of them being on my college course I might add, but it is getting to the point were I have to wonder how this town is still on the map. Theres nothing here anymore, Grimsby is barron and dead, the college is the only thing keeping it going on life support. Companies refuse to invest, and the council won't do anything to encourage them, the police force is next to non existent. I remember reading in the telegraph a couple of years ago, that over the christmas period, the entire on duty police force consisted of 6 patrol cars for the whole of humberside, this is, in my opinion is pathetic, and unfortuantly the current governemnt are not going to help.
As far as the lawless thugs that have overrun the streets are concerened? Well, I don't condone vigilantism, but someone needs to take back the town. I won't lead, I'm not that guy, but gladly for the right reasons...I'll follow. Some might say that it is not the answer, I'd agree, but country wide something needs to be done about the knife crime, random acts of violence and the seething rage that has infected youths of today.
Not all of them I must stress, but a minority of them...and its not just youths (just look at the riots recently) but in my opinion, its about time the fair people of this once great nation stood up for itself, and turned things around.
I'll leave it there for tonight, but here is my final thought.
did you know that fuzzy wuzzy was a woman?
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