Anyway here goes, promise not to laugh.
My Brother’s Keeper By Tom Hancock
FADE INTO: EXT. NIGHT. ONE WEEK AGO A powerful storm is moving in, lightning flashes, thunder rumbles, the rain lashes down in stair rods bouncing a foot of the road. INT. HOUSE. NIGHT The house is a typical two up, two down council affair. Neutral coloured wallpaper, neutral carpets. Boring Beige. Lightning flashes from behind the cracks of the curtains in the small windows, the only light besides the dull red coming from a corner lamp. Thunder booms overhead, the door shakes in it’s frame. The storm has arrived. In the centre of the living room, is a pale well worn and abused sofa. Pulled close to the sofa, we see a battered coffee table, every surface scarred by cigarettes. We also see the remnants of six lines of a powdery substance, a razor blade lays flat close by. A small plastic baggy, wrinkled an empty hands on to the edge of the table. From outside the bathroom door, we can hear the sounds of a pitched battle. Shouts and screams and unadulterated violence. The screams of the woman are cut off with dull wet crack. INT. HOSPITAL ROOM. DAY. PRESENT TIME A woman lies in her bed in a critical condition. She is an unrecognizable mess, her injuries are horrific, her face has been beaten so badly, we can’t distinguish her facial features. Her blonde hair is caked with blood. Her body is much the same. Broken. She was beautiful once. The life support machine is the only thing keeping her alive. Beep. It breathes. Beep. She Breathes. A shadow falls on her bedside. (CONTINUED)
CONTINUED: 2. Cain, in his thirties, wears a dark and expensive suit. He is a professional. A corporate "Trouble Shooter". He is tall and powerfully built, not massively but powerful. He crumples into a chair by the side of the bed, his hand obscures his face. Thunder rumbles in the distant skies. A Doctor hovers at the foot of the bed, reading the chart, his white coat is immaculate. DOCTOR I told you it wasn’t good. We only figured out it was Mel from her dental records and blood work. The Cain’s voice is barely a whisper. CAIN Do they know...? DOCTOR Where he is? I don’t know. CAIN I’ll find him... The doctor stares down at the floor. DOCTOR I know. It’s what happens when you do that worries me Cain. CAIN You know what happens. You where here in this very room when I made the promise that THIS would never happen again. As Cains voice rises, the thunder gets louder. He stands up, and we still do not see his face. CAIN Will she live? The doctor massages his temple. DOCTOR Her injuries are too severe. He skull is fractured, internal bleeding. Not to mention damage to her brain. There has been no (MORE) (CONTINUED)
CONTINUED: 3. DOCTOR (cont’d) improvement since she was brought here. All we can do is make her comfortable. Cain sighs and strides out of the room. He talks to Mel as he leaves, his back still turned. CAIN I’m sorry Mel. I’m so sorry I wasn’t here to stop him. I swear to you I will kill him. Cain leaves the room. EXT. HOSPITAL. DAY As Cain Leaves the hospital, the storm that has been threatening to return all week finally arrives in full force.