Friday, 5 October 2012

intro of story

so here is a short, very rough introduction to a horror story I'm writing. I've been plotting this for awhile, and it is basically me flicking the V's at my old neighbours.

As mentiond previously it's very rough and is probably not very good. But I have had not a lot of sleep this week while Ryder has been ill. Anyway please read and comment...or don't I don't really care.

Cold Blooded

‘If you’ve found this, then you know about what happened here. South Kelsey’s little secret. Take my advice; get out now while you still can. Leave your possessions, just take your family and get the hell out! Don’t be like me; don’t wait until it’s too late. Just get out. Now!

A little while ago, my wife and I along with our son moved out here to what we thought was the perfect home, a nice little cottage in the middle of nowhere away from the bustle of Grimsby. We were about to wake up in a living nightmare. What follows is my account of what happened here. It all starts with Sara Michaels.’

Fog covered the forest like a damp blanket. It rolled between the Fir trees like smoke from an open fire, rolling over the shrubs and bushes scattered here and there on the forest floor, dew glistening on the fallen leaves like diamonds caught in sunlight.

If only she the time to stop and enjoy the thick air. Unfortunately for Sara Michaels, she didn't. She had to complete her morning jog in the next hour, or she would be late for the early shift at the diner. Normally she would skirt the forested section of the town and run the long way round to her small flat above the grocery shop, however she had fallen out of stride, something she had never done, maybe it was the mist in the air that had made her cautious on the roads, either way if she didn't actually cut through the woods, she'd be an hour late for work, and she couldn't afford to lose the pay. Damnit girl, pick up the pace! She mentally kicked herself and tightened the knot in her blonde pony-tail. Making the decision and turning her I-pod up, she ran off the narrow track that edged the wood, and pushed deeper inside...

Sara headed deeper into the woods, keeping step with the beat on her iPod, she kept her gaze down on the leaf ridden ground, mindful that she could easily twist an ankle on a loose branch or a pot hole. After twenty minutes or so she stopped to stretch her hamstrings, releasing the cramp that she could feel starting, that’s when she felt it. It was a niggling awareness at the back of her mind at first, which spread to the hairs on the back of her neck standing up; it was the acute feeling of being watched. She pulled the ear buds off and turned off the music, listening, carefully scanning the trees. Nothing; No birds, no animals, not a fucking thing!! Suddenly she heard something crashing through the trees behind her. Sara panicked and ran.
Branches tore at her fair skin, her breath burning in her chest, lungs screaming for respite. But the crashing was gaining on her. She didn't dare look back and somehow managed to push her aching limbs harder. THERE! She saw the forest thinning out, saw the black asphalt through the trees, she took a long ragged gasps, sweat running freely from every pore.
There was a blood curdling screech from her right, and then she felt the hot stabs of pain in her waist, side and thigh as she was pulled from her feet, hitting the ground hard, instantly feeling herself being dragged deeper into the woods, she was on her stomach facing away from her would be assailant, she tried to kick out but her legs wouldn't work, she clawed at the sodden earth with her finger nails, several pulling from the beds, she couldn't find purchase.
Sara Michaels was dragged away screaming...screams that cut off with a more than fifty feet away from the road that would have taken her to safety.



Wednesday, 11 April 2012

stuff to do with college and...stuff

well its been a good long while since my last post. Sorry for that, but it's not like anyone is reading it anyway :P what I have in mind today is to share with you an slice of the script that I going to replace my current script for scriptwriting with (lots of scripts there Tom.)

Anyway here goes, promise not to laugh.

                               My Brother’s Keeper                         
                                  Tom Hancock                              
          FADE INTO:                                                       
          EXT. NIGHT. ONE WEEK AGO                                         
          A powerful storm is moving in, lightning flashes, thunder        
          rumbles, the rain lashes down in stair rods bouncing a foot      
          of the road.                                                     
          INT. HOUSE. NIGHT                                                
          The house is a typical two up, two down council affair.          
          Neutral coloured wallpaper, neutral carpets. Boring Beige.       
          Lightning flashes from behind the cracks of the curtains in      
          the small windows, the only light besides the dull red           
          coming from a corner lamp. Thunder booms overhead, the door      
          shakes in it’s frame. The storm has arrived.                     
          In the centre of the living room, is a pale well worn and        
          abused sofa.                                                     
          Pulled close to the sofa, we see a battered coffee table,        
          every surface scarred by cigarettes. We also see the             
          remnants of six lines of a powdery substance, a razor blade      
          lays flat close by. A small plastic baggy, wrinkled an empty     
          hands on to the edge of the table.                               
          From outside the bathroom door, we can hear the sounds of a      
          pitched battle. Shouts and screams and unadulterated             
          violence. The screams of the woman are cut off with dull wet     
          INT. HOSPITAL ROOM. DAY. PRESENT TIME                            
          A woman lies in her bed in a critical condition.                 
          She is an unrecognizable mess, her injuries are horrific,        
          her face has been beaten so badly, we can’t distinguish her      
          facial features. Her blonde hair is caked with blood. Her        
          body is much the same. Broken.                                   
          She was beautiful once.                                          
          The life support machine is the only thing keeping her           
          Beep. It breathes.                                               
          Beep. She Breathes.                                              
          A shadow falls on her bedside.                                   
CONTINUED:                                              2.       
          Cain, in his thirties, wears a dark and expensive suit. He       
          is a professional. A corporate "Trouble Shooter". He is tall     
          and powerfully built, not massively but powerful. He             
          crumples into a chair by the side of the bed, his hand           
          obscures his face.                                               
          Thunder rumbles in the distant skies.                            
          A Doctor hovers at the foot of the bed, reading the chart,       
          his white coat is immaculate.                                    
                    I told you it wasn’t good. We only                     
                    figured out it was Mel from her                        
                    dental records and blood work.                         
          The Cain’s voice is barely a whisper.                            
                    Do they know...?                                       
                    Where he is? I don’t know.                             
                    I’ll find him...                                       
          The doctor stares down at the floor.                             
                    I know. It’s what happens when you                     
                    do that worries me Cain.                               
                    You know what happens. You where                       
                    here in this very room when I made                     
                    the promise that THIS would never                      
                    happen again.                                          
          As Cains voice rises, the thunder gets louder.                   
          He stands up, and we still do not see his face.                  
                    Will she live?                                         
          The doctor massages his temple.                                  
                    Her injuries are too severe. He                        
                    skull is fractured, internal                           
                    bleeding. Not to mention damage to                     
                    her brain. There has been no                           
CONTINUED:                                              3.       
                              DOCTOR (cont’d)                              
                    improvement since she was brought                      
                    here. All we can do is make her                        
          Cain sighs and strides out of the room. He talks to Mel as       
          he leaves, his back still turned.                                
                    I’m sorry Mel. I’m so sorry I                          
                    wasn’t here to stop him. I swear to                    
                    you I will kill him.                                   
          Cain leaves the room.                                            
          EXT. HOSPITAL. DAY                                               
          As Cain Leaves the hospital, the storm that has been             
          threatening to return all week finally arrives in full           

Thursday, 19 January 2012